IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 1 Paper 1


Author’s Name : Ashish Gontiya

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 1-5






In the Cloud environment the major issue is security, as various researcher are mention in the various article or in the researcher paper. The simple definition of Cloud or cloud server is the different type of data and information save in cloud storage server or in other word we can say user are able to store the data or information in the cloud Server and fetch this data when the user required this data or information is also retrieve by the some other user in the well define manner. We are used signature Algorithm with Signature Algorithm  key value data encryption. In this paper we are introduce the mechanism that support the public auditing task for the cloud data that store by the cloud user in the cloud storage so in this process the signatures algorithm is compute the data verification task or done the audit task in the cloud domain.


Cloud Computing , Cloud Storage , TPA, Encryption , Decryption , Cloud Service Model , Cloud Deployment Model


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