IJRE – Volume 4 Issue 2 Paper 6


Author’s Name :  M Shivaranjani | A Kameswaran

Volume 04 Issue 02  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 25-30






Multi-hop technologies are recently gaining momentum due to its integration with wireless internet, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), a consistent self-clocking transport protocol plays a decisive role in an Internet’s performance as it carries huge quantum of internet data traffic globally. TCP’s performance over multi-hop wireless networks remains a challenging concern because of its characteristics, such as mobility, sudden route breakage, link failure and high bit error rate. The foremost aim of this paper is to experimentally analyze and appraise the micro level behavior of different standard TCP variants which are installed in Windows and Linux kernel under multi-hop wireless environment. The micro level analysis of standard TCP’s gives a stronger platform in designing a resilient TCP that adapts for highly dynamic multi-hop wireless environment.

Key Words:

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), multi-hop wireless network, slow start, congestion window and window size


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