IJMH – Volume 4 Issue 2 Paper 4


Author’s Name : Ioakimidis Marilou

Volume 04 Issue 02  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 16-20



Different sociological aspects and researches have tried to evaluate what goes on as in shop-floor attitudes. From Marx’s theory of class conflict to Burawoy’s “games” (as informal practices aimed at creating space and time, controlling earnings and making work more interesting) this paper will present the practical aspect of industrial administration and therefore the human problem of industrial efficiency. It has been proved that without the consent of the workforce, the modern enterprise could not function on a daily basis. How this consent is secured has been a question of all theorists of work and workplace. We explore this process through traditional sociological thinking, and the results of various empirical researches in American plants. The intended and unintended functions or consequences of bureaucratic rules were explored in order to provide analysis for an explanation of management-worker conflict, which eventually results in a “wild cat” strike. We will also analyze how workers’ resistance over “employers” or “managers” has evolved, changed character and became cheating or fiddling on the shop-floor.


Fiddles, Cheating, Management, Sociology of work , Classical Theories


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