IJREE – Volume 4 Issue 3 Paper 5


Author’s Name :  S Neeharika | M Rama Subbamma

Volume 04 Issue 03  Year 2017  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 16-22



This paper presents a novel application of continuous mixed -norm algorithm-based adaptive control strategy with the purpose of enhancing the low voltage ride through capability of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants. The PV arrays are connected to the point of common coupling through a DC-DC boost converter, a DC-link capacitor, a grid side inverter, and a three-phase step up transformer. The DC-DC converter is used for a maximum power point tracking operation based on the fractional open circuit voltage method. The grid-side inverter is utilized to control the DC-link voltage and terminal voltage at the PCC through a vector control scheme. The CMPN algorithm-based adaptive proportional-integral (PI) controller is used to control the power electronic circuits due to its very fast convergence. The proposed algorithm updates the PI controller gains online without the need to fine tune or optimize. The proposed control strategy is compared with that obtained using Taguchi approach-based an optimal PI controller taking into account subjecting the system to symmetrical, unsymmetrical faults, and unsuccessful reclosing of circuit breakers due to the existence of permanent fault.


Adaptive Control, Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT), Photovoltaic (PV) Power Systems, Power System Control, Power System Dynamic Stability


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