IJRCS – Volume 2 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name : S Nancy Freeda | T B Dharmaraj

Volume 02 Issue 03  Year 2015  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no:  23-28



Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UW-ASNs) has recently been proposed for exploring the underwater resources and gathering the scientific data from the aquatic environments. UW-ASNs are faced with different challenges, such as high propagation delay, low bandwidth, and high energy consumption. However, the most notable challenge is perhaps how to efficiently forward the packets to the surface sink by considering the energy constrained sensor devices. The opportunistic routing concept may provide an effective solution for UW-ASNs by the cooperation of the relay nodes to forward the packets to the surface sink. In this paper, the energy consumption problem is addressed and an energy-efficient cooperative opportunistic routing (EECOR) protocol is proposed to forward the packets towards the surface sink. In the EECOR protocol, a forwarding relay set is firstly determined by the source node based on the local information of the forwarder and then, a fuzzy logic-based relay selection (FLRS) scheme is applied to select the best relay based on considering the energy consumption ratio and the packet delivery probability of the forwarder. In UW-ASNs, most of the energy is wasted due to the collisions amongst sensor nodes during the packet transmission. To alleviate the packet collisions problem, we have designed a holding timer for each of the forwarder to schedule the packets transmission towards the surface sink. We have performed our extensive simulations of the EECOR protocol on the Aqua-sim platform and compared with existing routing protocols in terms of average packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay, average energy consumption, and average network lifetime.


Energy Consumption Ratio, Forwarding Relay Set, Fuzzy Logic, Holding Timer, Packet Delivery Probability, Opportunistic Routing


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