IJREE- Vol 7 Issue 1 Paper 6


Author’s Name : R.Leena Rose | M.Chithra | R.Praveen | M.Shanmugam | V.Vikram 

Volume 07 Issue 01  Year 2020  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 30-36


Abstract:  Electricity plays an important role in developing countries. Increasing  populationleadsto electricity demand as high. This increase in Demands electricity can be met by smart monitoring system. The electricity produced from non-renewable source of energy is 67% in India. In the year 2100, it is estimated that all of earth non-renewable source of energy will be completely used. Power consumption can be reduced to great extent by proper monitoring of domestic appliances. Smart power monitoring system plays a two-way communication between the consumers and distributors. Smart power monitoring uses Arduino, PIR sensor, Wi-Fi (ESP8266) and cloud platform as a service to store and analyze data. The solution aims at saving power by constantly notifying the power consumed by the consumer and the user to cut down the mains or home appliances through mobile application when it not in use it saves a lot of resources and money.  Hence then alert signal is received by the user, if the power consumption reaches 90% of subsidy. The fault complains in home also send through mobile application. To minimize the unmeasured usage of electricity by creating awareness of smart power meters.

Key Words: 

Arduino,PIR Sensors , Cloud Platform,Wi-Fi(ESP8266).


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