IJRME – Volume 7 Issue 1 Paper 3


Author’s Name :  S.Mohamed Iqbal| R.Venkatesaperumal|K.Syed Jafar|  V.Venkatesan

Volume 07 Issue 01  Year 2020  ISSN No:  2349-3860  Page no: 12-16



A biodiesel derived from non-edible oils can be used as a fuel for diesel engine. In today scenario, the biodiesel extracted from plant leaves and seeds etc., reduces the usage of diesel fuel. The non-edible oils such as Jatropha, Karanja, Mahua, Neem and Nerium etc., are easily obtainable and can be used in CI engines. So, it reduces the fuel demand. Therefore, introducing a new biodiesel also supports to reduce the fuel demand. So, this study is focussed on the performance and emission characteristics of COME – Diesel blendused in CI engine.


Performance, combustion, emission, methyl ester, diesel engine.


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