IJMH – Volume 1 Issue 2 Paper 1


Author’s Name : DR. R. Francis

Volume 01 Issue 02  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 1-4


Abstract – This paper examines the rural energy consumption and problems in India.  A number of factors change the pattern of energy consumption in rural areas. Moreover, shortage of non- commercial, cost of non- renewable energy, lack of time and life style have brought rapid change in rural energy consumption in recent years. Moreover, growth of population and increase in the demand for energy consumption has reduced about 16.7 per cent of the total forests. Rural people depend on energy such as fire wood, agricultural residues, dung, kerosene, gas and electricity in India. However, the primary energies used for cooking are fired wood and LPG and kerosene and electricity for lighting. It is seen that type of energy used for cooking and lighting differs from family to family, area to area and even time to time. For instance, the poor use fire wood agricultural residues and cow dung where as middle income groups use both fire wood and LPG and the rich depend on LPG and electricity in rural areas. Hence, an attempt is made in the study to analyze household energy consumption pattern and problems in rural India at micro level.

Keywords –Commercial energy, renewable energy, energy consumption, agricultural residues, electricity, kerosene