IJMH – Volume 3 Issue 1 Paper 6


Author’s Name : R.Bharath | Dr.S.Vasantha | M.Bhuvana

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 21-24




In India, government has taken several initiatives to elevate financial inclusion. The successful achievement of financial inclusion can be done through Information & Communication technologies such as ATM, banking agents, Mobile Phones, etc. Financial Institutions like banks has done various renovations in their technologies to facilitate their financial services to reach the people especially from the most vulnerable groups in the society. This paper will discuss about how the banking services are facilitated to rural people by Information and communication technology (ICT) through various innovative delivery channels and it acts as a mediating variable between Information & communication Technology and financial inclusion.


Business Correspondent (BC), Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Self Help Group’s (SHG’s), Micro Finance Institutions, Banks, Rural People.


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