IJMH – Volume 3 Issue 3 Paper 1


Author’s Name : Aarti Sharma

Volume 03 Issue 03  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 1-4



Technology has touched and affected almost all the areas in every field. A person, an organization or any field has to cope up and walk along the changing requirements of technology so as to get the effective and optimum results. In the field of HRM too technology has played its eminent role in transforming its function from general to electronic by using internet and various technology tools. This transformational change using application and processing of IT tools & HR practices has been named as E-HRM. E-HRM enables refinement of HR operational processes, authorization of different HR functions, permitting distributed access to employees, execution and administration of different HR practices recasting the HR function making it more strategic in nature. Many big Organizations have executed and fruitfully adopted E-HRM approach as a rostrum for achieving desired transformational change resulting in reduced paper work and improvement in performance.


E- HRM, Transformational Change, HR Practices


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