IJMH – Volume 4 Issue 1 Paper 3


Author’s Name : R.Maniyarasan

Volume 04 Issue 01  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 16-19



The rapid growth of Engineering science and technology in the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India has initiated the scheme of Community Development through Polytechnics (CDTP) to uplift the rural downtrodden people of the country. To provide non-formal, short term, employment oriented skill development programs to various sections of the community by this scheme. Upgrade the Curriculum in order to students to meet the current scenario of competitive job market demand. Despite continuing efforts made to improve student’s soft skills, the industry commented that graduate engineers had failed to master the soft skills needed in their employment. On above of this, efforts to improve soft skills among students will not be successful without a strong commitment and participation .This paper investigates smart synergy model of tertiary-partite partnership among students-polytechnic-industry in the industrial orientation training program. The main aim is to create a tertiary-partite partnership among students-polytechnic-industry to improve the student’s soft skills through polytechnic. First, the trends of partnership in industrial orientation training programs among students-polytechnics-industry in India are analysed this paper emphasizes strategies to fill up the existing gaps in this matter.


Soft Skills, Industrial Training, Students-Polytechnic-Industry Partnerships


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