IJMH – Volume 4 Issue 4 Paper 1


Author’s Name : Batte Om Sheshunadh | Mr M Ravindra

Volume 04 Issue 04  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 1-6



A strong interest has developed within the past several years in the dynamic behavior of turbo machinery with cracked shafts. The presence of cracks causes changes in the physical properties of a structure which introduces flexibility, and thus reducing the stiffness of the structure consequently it leads to the change in the dynamic response of the beam. Crack depth and location are the main parameters for the vibration analysis of cracked structures. So it becomes very important to monitor the changes in the response parameters of the structure to access structural integrity, performance and safety. Now a days, the procedures that are often used for crack detection are those which are called direct procedures, such as ultrasonic, X-rays, etc. However these methods have proved to be inoperative and unsuitable in some particular cases. Since they require minutely detailed periodic inspections, which are very costly. In order to avoid these costs, during the last decades, people searched for more efficient procedure in crack detection through vibration analysis. In the present study, vibration analysis of cantilever beam with and without crack is investigated by free vibration on steel and eglass/epoxy composite beam in ANSYS software. The cracks at different locations such as 100mm, 300mm, 500mm, 700mm and 900mm from the fixed end with different crack depths such as 2.5mm, 5mm, 7.5mm, 10mm and 12.5mm from the top surface are taken. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are predicted from the successful execution of ANSYS software in each case and the results are compared.


ANSYS, FEM, Cantilever Beam, Natural Frequency


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