IJMH – Volume 5 Issue 2 Paper 1


Author’s Name : Mrs D BrindhaRubini | Dr A Bhuvaneswari

Volume 05 Issue 02  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 1- 5



The article aim is to study the concept “Quality of Work-Life” and the role it plays in enhancing the productivity and performance of the employees in an organization. It also aims at understanding a wide range of welfare activities and the motivation to be undertaken in order to improve Quality of Work-Life (QWL) in an organization to achieve the organisation short term and long term goal in a proper way. The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts the employees, the way of recruitment, motivation types and retaining its work force. Organizations are required to adopt a strategy to improve the employees QWL to satisfy organizational objectives and employee needs. The article studies the importance of having effective QWL practices in organizations and their impact on employee performance and the overall organizational performance. The QWL consists of the main components namely Job satisfaction, motivation, work environment, interpersonal relationship, stress and monetary benefits. The sampling method used is simple random sampling technique for selecting the sample for the study. The size of the sample is 110. The samples were selected from the name list provided by the administrative department.


Job Satisfaction, Monetary, Stress, Work Environment, Work Life


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