IJRCS – Volume 1 Issue 1 Paper 3


Author’s Name : Gayathri T

Volume 01 Issue 01  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 12-17


Abstract -The Semantic Web is a development of the current web in which it incorporates semantic substance in pages. The primary objective of semantic web is to push the nature of the current web by transforming its substance into machine reasonable structure. Consequently, the development of semantic web is to have semantic level data in the web. These days, individuals use diverse decisive word  based web search tools to discover the significant data they require from the web. Be that as it may a hefty portion of the words are polysemous. At the point when these words are utilized to question a web search tool, it shows the Search  Result  Records  (Srrs)  with  diverse  implications.  The Srrs with comparable implications are gathered together and commented. Semantic Annotation is the procedure of adding the semantic metadata  to  web  assets.  Thus  the  gathered  Srrs  are commented and create an outline which portrays the data in Srrs. Be that as it may the programmed semantic annotation is a huge test in the semantic web. Here metaphysics and information based representation are utilized to explain the website pages.

Keywords –Semantic Web , Semantic Annotation, Ontology