IJRCS – Volume 1 Issue 2 Paper 3


Author’s Name : Mohd Muntjir

Volume 01 Issue 02  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 9-14


Abstract -Relational databases controlled the Information Technology (IT) businesses for almost 40 years. However, last few years have seen the innovations in the way Information Technology is being used and observed. Mostly, Standalone applications have been retrieved with web-based applications, dedicated storage with network storage and dedicated servers with multiple distributed servers. Cloud computing systems have developed into an authenticity due to its scalability, minimum cost, and pay-as-you-go paradigm. Cloud databases such as Sherpa, Big Table, and Simple DB are being prominent. They emphasize the limitations of actual relational databases related to scalability, dynamic appliances and ease of use facility. Cloud databases are basically used for data through applications such as business intelligence, data warehousing and data mining. These applications are scalable, read-intensive, and elastic in nature. Transferable data management applications such as airline reservation, banking, supply chain management applications and online e-commerce are composed and comprehensive. Databases advocating such applications require ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) proprietary, but these databases are hard to deploy in the cloud systems. The main purpose of this paper is to review the requirements of the art in the cloud databases and multiple frameworks. Furthermore, it determines the contest to develop and maintains cloud databases that fulfill the user requirements and argues generally used Cloud databases.

Keywords –Cloud Database, Cloud computing systems, Database framework.