IJRCS – Volume 1 Issue 2 Paper 5


Author’s Name : Anu M S | T B Dharmaraj

Volume 01 Issue 02  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no:  21-26



Data gathering is a common but critical operation in many applications of wireless sensor networks. Innovative techniques that improve energy efficiency to prolong the network lifetime are highly required. Clustering is an effective topology control approach in wireless sensor networks, which can increase network scalability and lifetime. The framework employs distributed load balanced Clustering and dual data uploading, which is referred to as BC. A distributed balanced clustering (BC) algorithm is proposed for sensors to self-organize themselves into clusters. We used mobile divider for split the data about cluster and cluster head calculation. In contrast to existing clustering methods, our scheme generates multiple cluster heads in each cluster to balance the work load and facilitate dual data uploading. The trajectory planning for Mobile collector is optimized to fully utilize dual data uploading capability by properly selecting polling points in each cluster. By visiting each selected polling point, Mobile collector can efficiently gather data from cluster heads and transport the data to the static data sink. Extensive simulations are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed BC schemes.


Clustering, Dual Data Uploading, MIMO, Balanced Clustering


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