IJRCS – Volume 1 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name : Simikutty Antony | R Sujitha

Volume 01 Issue 03  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no:  24-28



Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter are inherently designed to enable people to share personal and public information and make social connections with friends, coworkers, colleagues, family, and even with strangers. A typical OSN provides each user with a virtual space containing profile information, a list of the user’s friends, and WebPages, such as wall in Facebook, where users and friends can post content and leave messages. In addition, users can not only upload content into their own or others’ spaces but also tag other users who appear in the content. Although OSNs currently provide simple access control mechanisms allowing users to govern access to information contained in their own spaces, users, unfortunately, have no control over data residing outside their spaces. To overcome the problem based on Online Social Networks, a systematic solution to facilitate multiparty access control (MPAC) of shared data in OSNs is introduced. The user can share their data or images to their friends. When the user is tried to share other user’s data, the request will be send to the owner of the data. After receiving the request, the owner of the data has rights to accept or reject the request. The User can only share others data after getting the approval from the data owner, otherwise the user cannot share that data to others.


Social Network, Photo Privacy, Secure Multiparty Communication,Support Vector Machine, Collaborative Learning


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