IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 1 Paper 6


Author’s Name : Priyanka G | Keerthana S

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 19-22






The big challenge in wireless sensor network is maximizing network lifetime. The Minimization of Energy consumption is important to improve the network lifetime. Sensor nodes nearer to sink consume more energy than other nodes in the network. The nodes nearer to sink drains fast and causes death of the network. The Mobile Sensor Relocation concept is introduced to improve the network lifetime. In Mobile Sensor Relocation, the sensor nodes in high consumption position are relocated with lower consumption position based on energy threshold using Distributed Consumption Rate Algorithm. The energy threshold is calculated using adaptive energy threshold algorithm. so we can use this approach to extend network lifetime by reducing rotation overhead and  energy consumption.


Wireless Sensor Networks; Mobile node Relocation; Duty Cycling; Network Lifetime


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