IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 2 Paper 1


Author’s Name : S Barkath Nisha | R Latha Priyadharshini

Volume 03 Issue 02  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 1-5



Big Data is a collection of large datasets and handling of data is challenging in this environment. Fast Range Aggregate Queries (FastRAQ) approach is used to process the range aggregate queries that consist of aggregate function on all tuples within the query ranges. The query result can be generated from the range cardinality query algorithm. The weight of the sample estimate is calculated using the Post Stratification sampling method and to estimate the total and mean of a super population in a stratified sample, Horvitz Thompson estimator is used. The time complexity is reduced by using the sampling methods.


Balanced partition; Big Data; FastRAQ; Hadoop; Horvitz Thompson; MapReduce; Multidimensional Histogram; Post Stratification; Range Aggregate Query


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