IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 2 Paper 3


Author’s Name : S.Iswarya  | R.Kavitha

Volume 03 Issue 02  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 11-14



An image retrieval system is used in large database system for searching and retrieving images. Indexing and retrieval of the images efficiently is an important task. Medical images maintaining using text or numbers is a difficult task and time taking. Numbering and retrieval of images can be done through query by text and query by image also termed as content based image retrieval. Content-based image retrieval takes in visual contents to search images from databases according to user interest. Texture is one among the efficient features for image retrieval. In texture based retrieval methods like local binary pattern and local mesh pattern the images are retrieved based on relationship among the pixel values. Based on local binary pattern local mesh pattern is calculated by the relationship between the neighbouring pixels. The efficiency of the system is enhanced or increased by combining with gabor transform. The gabor local mesh pattern and local binary pattern histograms are combined to get a feature vector. Effective comparisons algorithm is then used to retrieve the image of closest proximity. The mesh pattern is capable of extracting more edge information so the efficiency is increased for biomedical image application.


Gabor transform(GT), local binary pattern (LBP), local mesh patterns (LMeP), gabor local mesh pattern (GLMeP).


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