IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 3 Paper 4


Author’s Name : A.A. Daundkar | S.A.DhaigudePatil | Shweta P. Bidgar

Volume 03 Issue 02  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no:13-15





Drunk driving, or officially Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol, is a major cause of traffic accidents  throughout the world. In this paper, we propose a highly efficient system aimed at early detection and alert of dangerous vehicle maneuvers typically related to drunk driving.The entire solution requires only a mobile phone placed in vehicle and with accelero meter and orientation sensor.A program installed on the  mobile phone computes accelerations based on sensor readings,and compares them with typical drunk driving patterns extracted from real driving tests.The purpose of this system is to advance a system to detect drunk driving based on real time patterns found while driving by the driver and to alert driver’s friends or family or both before accident actually happens. The main components of the system consist of accelero meter and orientation sensors and software interface with GPS and Google Maps APIs for location.


Drunk Driving Detection;  Mobile Application; Sensors


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