IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 4 Paper 1


Author’s Name : Abhishek | Sakshi Gotiwadkar | Vishal Sambyal | Yuvraj N N

Volume 03 Issue 04  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 1-3



The number of Smartphone users has increased tremendously over these past few years. Tracking a device through Smartphone comes with various sensor set which consumes a lot of power and continuous use of GPS drains the battery in few hours’.GPS capabilities in indoor conditions is not accurate. Alternative use of LBS can made for indoor locations. As battery life is main factor in such scenario which must be considered. This work proposed the combined approach of GPS, Activity recognition, Cellular tower triangulation and WI-FI for energy efficient tracking of Smartphone.


GPS; Cellular Tower Triangulation; Mobile Sensors


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