IJRCS – Volume 3 Issue 4 Paper 2


Author’s Name : Sunayana Bhandari | Dr Subhajit Ghosh 

Volume 03 Issue 04  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 4-7



Sentiment analysis is a recent area of research that deals with interpreting user sentiments in web articles, tweets, blog post, product review and news reports. It divides the data based on its polarity i.e. positive, negative or neutral. These sentiments are used by organizations to understand user point of views and improve business performance.  This survey paper highlights the fundamentals of sentiment analysis, various sentiment analysis approaches and methodologies developed and used so far; and its various areas of applications. It compares sentiment analysis with certain other data analysis techniques.


Sentiment Analysis; Supervised sentiment analysis; Semi supervised sentiment analysis; Unsupervised sentiment analysis; Coarse grained Sentiment Analysis;  Fine grained sentiment analysis


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