IJRCS – Volume 4 Issue 4 Paper 5


Author’s Name : Gayathri T | Vanitha Devi S | Mohana Priya T | Kanimozhi V

Volume 04 Issue 04  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 17-22



Underwater Wireless Sensor Network systems (UWSNs) have appeared as an encouraging innovation to screen and investigate the seas as an alternative to customary undersea wireline instruments. UWSNs can be efficaciously utilized for oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, offshore exploration, disaster prevention, assisted navigation and tactical surveillance applications. In any case, the information collection and conglomeration of UWSNs is still extremely constrained on the grounds that of the acoustic channel communication attributes. One approach to boost the information accumulation in UWSNs is through the construction of routing protocols by taking into account the typical attributes of the underwater acoustic communication and the extremely dynamic network topology. In this paper, we analyze different existing routing protocols in order to develop an enhanced routing protocol for UWSNs.


Geographic Routing; Local Minimum; Topology Control; Underwater Sensor Networks


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