IJRCS – Volume 5 Issue 1 Paper 2


Author’s Name : R Divya | P Kamali

Volume 05 Issue 01  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 5-7



In the current scenario most of the service providing companies provide services through server-client manner. Here important focus is on how the server is responding to the request put forth by the client. The efficiency of the server is in how fast it is providing the required information to the client and also performing computation in short time if required. Most of the servers deals with millions of users where it works with the help of the cloud where multiple clients gets response at the same time. Cloud computing is the process of using internet to store, processing and working with files from remote host where it provides huge storage support. The server that is serving multiple users makes use of this cloud when needed. Serving users at the same time without server slowdown is major problem. The challenging issue is to improve the server response which provides services to all the client request at the same time . Allocating service capacities in cloud computing is based on the assumption that they are unlimited and can be used at any time. The proposed system is the automatic creation of virtual machine when the server is about to get overloaded. The virtual machine remains active for the given time slot and gets destroyed automatically when the server comes out of the peak hour. An iterated heuristics framework is presented for the problem under study which mainly consists of initial solution construction, improvement strategies are proposed.


Cloud Computing, Server, Virtual Machine


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