IJRCS – Volume 5 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name : Gisna Baby | Ms R Sujitha

Volume 05 Issue 03  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no:  29-37



Data congestion control is an efficient way to decrease packet loss and delay and increase the reliability of VANETs. In this paper, a centralized and localized data congestion control strategy is proposed to control data congestion using roadside units (RSUs) at intersections.The proposed strategy consists of three units for detecting congestion, clustering messages, and controlling data congestion. In this strategy, the channel usage level is measured to detect data congestion in the channels. The messages are gathered, filtered, and then clustered by machine learning algorithms. K- means algorithm clusters the messages based on message size, validity of messages, and type of messages. The data congestion control unit determines appropriate values of transmission range and rate, contention window size, and arbitration inter frame spacing for each cluster.


Data Compression, Privacy, Protocol Design, Security, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs)


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