IJRCS – Volume 5 Issue 4 Paper 7


Author’s Name : Savita Gunjal

Volume 05 Issue 04  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-3828  Page no: 18-21



Today’s age is of smart life and smart phone becomes one of important necessity of smart life. As we use different software’s in personal computer system for smart work, similarly smart phone needs various mobile applications. These various applications installed in smart phone make life easier. To download various mobile application smart phone user has to visit respective play store such as Google Play Store, Apples store etc. as per operating system support of smart phone. When user visit play store then he/she is able to see the various application lists. This list is built on the basis of promotion or advertisement. User doesn’t have knowledge about the application (i.e. which applications are useful or useless). So user looks at the list and downloads the applications. But sometimes it happens that the downloaded application won’t work or not useful. That means it is fraud in mobile application list. To avoid this fraud, we are making application in which we are going to list the applications. To list the application first we are going to find the active period of the application named as leading session. We are also investing the three types of evidences: Ranking based evidence, Rating based evidence and Review based evidence. Using these three evidences finally we are calculating aggregation.


Mobile Apps, Ranking Fraud, Ranking Based, Rating Based, Review Based, Evidences Aggregating Function


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