IJRE – Volume 1 Issue 3 Paper 5


Author’s Name :  A Gnana Selva Kumar | M Prabhu | N Rajesh | G Saravanakumar

Volume 01 Issue 03  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 21-24






Internet of things is a system that connects physical objects, animals and people etc   to the internet by assigning an IP address (IPV6) to everything on the earth. In this paper, we propose a smart health monitoring system whereby IoT technology is implemented to monitor the health status of the patient and alert the doctor in case of emergency. We use heart beat sensor, oxygen sensor and temperature sensor to monitor patients’ health. We use Raspberry Pi 3 model to collect data from various respective sensors and display them on the web page in real time. All data is graphically presented and also an automatic alert has been send to the doctor or health officer based on the sensor readings.


Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi 3, Patients’ Health, Sensor


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