IJRE – Volume 1 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name :  S Suganya | B Dineshkumar | S Jegannathan | R Vijayashankar

Volume 01 Issue 03  Year 2014  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 25-28






A good product along good welcome from public which will be more comfortable, easier and worth full in day to day life. Accidents are happening everywhere and also in all the cities. Many have been suffered a lot due to brutal accidents. Adding a few more points to this, congestion is the main problem in traffic areas. Some people might disobey the road rules by turning without any prior indication/information; and few might stop the vehicle all of sudden, this leads to accident. To avoid this, we are developing a system, named ‘LIFI based precaution to avoid accidents while travelling in vehicle’. In this system, we are using transmitter and receiver on each vehicle. Such that the transmitter should be placed at the back side of the vehicle and the receiver should be placed in the front side of the vehicle. All the necessary information will be transmitted from one vehicle to other.


Li-Fi, Sensors, Accident Prevention


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