IJRE – Volume 3 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name :  A.Karthick Jabarson | S.Manoj | M.Varatharaj 

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 23-26






This project is proposed to give a real time driving assistance based on the driver – vehicle interaction. Here the driver Drowsiness and alcohol drinking are the important factors in the increasing number of accidents on today’s road. The accidents can be controlled by Eye blink sensor (driver drowsiness can be detected), Alcohol sensor (Alcoholic concentration can be detected) by using PIC microcontroller. By this the driver fatigue symptoms can be detected easily and the vehicle speed can be controlled and accidents are avoided. Alcoholic sensor (MQ3) detects the alcoholic concentration if it is high then the ignition of the vehicle will be failed to turn on, eye blink sensor using IR rays which detects the eye blinking by transmitting IR rays into the eye. If the eye is closed the output will be high then the speed of the vehicle is controlled by PIC controller which is interfaced with the sensor and this module is connected with the braking system and buzzer to reduce the speed of the vehicle and to stat buzzing, if the eye is open the output is low.


PIC (Peripheral Interface Controller), Alcoholic Sensor (MQ3), Eye blink sensor & Buzzer


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