IJRE – Volume 5 Issue 1 Paper 5


Author’s Name :  Sangami V | Sajeetha S | Sandhya C | Nandhini R | Anitha S

Volume 05 Issue 01  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 14-18






A Smart mirror is a reflective mirror with programmable applications and digital display for the home, office and public environments. This paper presents the design and development of an interactive smart mirror with artificial intelligence for the database as well as for commercial uses in various fields. The mirror is extensible and easy to use. This project which would collect real world information and the information would be transmitted from machine and would be controlled by Raspberry Pi 3-Model B using python language. The Smart Mirror implemented as a personalized digital device equipped with Raspberry pi, microphone, speakers, LED monitor covered with a sheet of reflective one way mirror provides one of the most basic information such as temperature, latest updates of news and headlines and local time. The data can be accessed according to the user needs by using the Google search. The Smart Mirror recognizes the verbal commands and listen to the user question and responds them.


Smart Mirror, Raspberry pi 3, Interactive, Personalized Device


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