IJRE – Volume 5 Issue 2 Paper 1


Author’s Name :  N Ramya | D Rukmani | V Subhangini | Mrs S Yuvarani

Volume 05 Issue 02  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 1- 3






In this paper we are using two types of coding mechanism such as pseudo random code and Morse code. It is considered to be simple and lusty method since the above summarized techniques have been implemented in same audio data which is hided. Our proffered method provides satisfactory results for transmitting the message in a guaranteed way. In addition to the security, it is also a reliable process since the hidden message is embedded into a video file. The performance of this method is evaluated using MSE (Mean Square Error) and PSNR (Peak to Signal Noise Ratio). In our paper the audio and video installation is done with the help of compression technique and in the meanwhile it doesn’t affect the quality of the veiled audio.


Morse Code, Pseudo Random Code, Double Coding, Stegnography,Embedding, Extraction


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