IJRE – Volume 5 Issue 3 Paper 1


Author’s Name :  R Mohan | M Geetha | V Gomathi | S Iswariya | S Ponmani

Volume 05 Issue 03  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 1- 4






This project presents design and implementation of video dehazing unit using Air-Light Estimation with Gaussian Approximation(ALEGA) algorithm. This algorithm provides an efficient removal of fog present in the video and provides higher resolution output video. The video is blended with fog contents when the air-light is interact with the original image, as a result the air-light is the main content of the original video from the camera. As the air-light is very bright, the air-light estimation technique directly select the bright pixels for air-light and the gaussian approximation selects the air-light in the brightest region of the input image. The color similarity estimation is also used here to refine the images. This estimation provides higher resolution in the order of 480*270 and low time complexity.


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