IJRE – Volume 5 Issue 3 Paper 3


Author’s Name :  R Mohan | A Aarthi | M Nivetha | T Shanmugavalli | A Subha

Volume 05 Issue 03  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 9 – 12






Clinically, Electrocardiograph plays a vital role in monitoring the human health. In today’s clinical practice, Ultrasound technology is widely used for fetal heart rate (fHR) monitoring since it is both simple to use and cheap. Monitoring the blastula/fetal cardiac activity during pregnancy is of crucial importance for evaluating fetus health. The Fetal Electrocardiogram (FECG) is a diagnostic tool that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart of the fetus during pregnancy and provides exquisite details. Since past, there are lot of research work have been performed in this field. Some of these are filtering method, threshold method, and neural network method and so on. Fast Transversal Filter (FTF) method is the most popular and effective method for detecting ECG characteristic points. The proposed method consists of three steps: 1) Abdominal ECG signal (AECG) is acquired from mother’s abdomen and decomposed to estimate maternal components (MECG signal) using FTF algorithm 2) FECG signal is extracted by removing MECG signal from AECG signal 3) Then fetal Heart Rate (fHR) in bpm is calculated from the obtained fetal ECG signal and it can be converted in time (sec) to find the R-R interval and also the defect of the fetal can be determined. This algorithm is implemented on direct recorded signals using MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory).


  1. Prasanth.K, Baby Paul, Arun A.Balakrishnan, 2013, “Fetal ECG Extraction using Adaptive Filters”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, pp(1483-1487).
  2. Jyoti Dhiman, Shadab Ahmad, Kuldeep Gulia, 2013, “Comparison Between Adaptive Filter Algorithm (LMS, NLMS, RLS), International Journal Of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, pp(1100-1103).
  3. Pankaj Gupta, Poonam Beniwal, 2015, “Adaptive Filters Algorithm: A Performance Comparison”, International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science”, pp(268-272).
  4. Anta Ya, Ameeta Seehra, 2015, “Mobile Channel Estimation Using M-SMFTF Adaptive Algorithm”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication”, pp(50-53).
  5. Input taken link: https://physionet.org/physiobank/database/fecgsyndb/
  6. Program: https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcental/answer/103000-fetal-ecg- extraction
  7. https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptive _filter&s=l&hl+en-IN