IJREE- Volume 2 Issue 1 Paper 4


Author’s Name : Manish Pradip Bhuse

Volume 02 Issue 01  Year 2015  ISSN No:  2349-2503  Page no: 14-17


Abstract – The renewable energy sources play an important role in electric power generation with growing environmental concern among them wind power is the most efficient way to generate electricity. Wind generation are far away from the grid most of the time, so the power was transfer to long distance. There are various types of issue like reactive power compensation, poor power factor and harmonic distortion in wind power output. In order to mitigate these problems the power electronics converters, like SVC, TCPST, DVR, UPFC, TCSC, and STATCOM are used. Among them STATCOM is the device having ability to inject and absorb reactive power fastley as per the system requirement.There are various control techniques are available for implement these problems. In these paper the application of STATCOM and various control technique for it are discuss.

Keywords –Static synchronous compensator(STATCOM), Voltage source converter (VSC), Inverse gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)