Author’s Name : Maheswari K T | Jenitha J | Boopathi V | Geethaa C
Volume 02 Issue 03 Year 2015 ISSN No: 2349-2503 Page no: 17-24
A innovative soft-switching boost converter is proposed in this paper. The conventional boost converter produces switching losses at turn ON and OFF, and this causes a reduction in the whole system’s efficiency. The proposed boost converter employs a soft switching method using an auxiliary circuit with a resonant inductor and capacitor, auxiliary switch, and diodes. Therefore, the proposed soft-switching boost converter diminishes switching losses more than the conventional hard-switching converter. The efficiency, which is about 91% in hard switching, rises to about 96% in the proposed soft-switching converter. In this paper, the performance of the proposed soft-switching boost converter is confirmed through the theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental results.
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- Manuscript received October 27, 2009; revised January 17,2010. Date of current version July 16, 2010. This work was supported by the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy under a Manpower Development Program for Energy and Resources. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor F. L Luo.