IJREE – Volume 3 Issue 4 Paper 3


Author’s Name :  Er Puneet Garg | Dr Gursewak Singh Brar

Volume 03 Issue 04  Year 2016  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 15-20



In the recent times there has been increase in the interconnected systems as far power systems are concerned due to increase in load demand. Load as well as power flow in the tie lines are varying dynamically. This robust control could be achieved with the help of BFO in the place of traditional system using proportional, PI and PID controllers. This is due to the fact that gain constants in the case of conventional controllers remain same throughout, for changes in the load value. But both active and reactive power demand is never study and change perpetually with rising and falling trend. So as to get rid of these disadvantages related to conventional controllers, number of schemes have been put forth in literature.  The bacterial foraging optimization Algorithm technique is being developed, which is applied to load frequency control in a three area interconnected power system. The performance of the system is obtained by MATLAB Simulink tool.General hit and trial method in the simulation has some demerits which have insisted on using BFOA for obtaining the desired values of the different parameters. This will help the industries concerning power for simpler as well as cheaper realization of the governor. The Bacteria Foraging Algorithm is relatively faster in optimization such that there is drop in the computational load and also minimum use of computer resource utilization.


Automatic Generation Control (AGC), Load Frequency Control(LFC), Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA),Change In Frequency(Del F), Proportional Gain(Kp)


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