IJREE – Volume 4 Issue 3 Paper 6


Author’s Name :  C P Jeevana Priya | M Rama Subbamma

Volume 04 Issue 03  Year 2017  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 23-27



A full-scale permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG)-based wind turbine with dc-link voltage control via the machine-side converter has the potential to provide inherent low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) performance without additional hardware components. However, several important performance aspects related to this topology are not addressed in this literature. This paper investigates the impacts of the LVRT control on the stability and risk of resonance, successful operation, and fatigue in a full-scale PMSG-based wind power generation system. An analytical model, considering the double-mass nature of the turbine/generator and typical LVRT requirements, is developed, validated, and used to characterize the dynamic performance of the wind generation system under LVRT control and practical generator characteristics. To enhance the operation and reduce the fatigue under LVRT control, two solutions, based on active damping control and dc-link voltage bandwidth retuning, are proposed, analyzed, and compared. The detailed nonlinear time-domain simulation results validate the accuracy of the developed model and analytical results.


A ging, fatigue, low-voltage ride-through, modeling, permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), stability, wind power generation


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