IJREE- Volume 5 Issue 2 Paper 5


Author’s Name :  Kokila P | Thamaraiselvan S | Balavenkateswari S | Sapitha K

Volume 05 Issue 02  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-2503  Page no: 16-18



Now a day the energy meter monitoring and taking the readings needs lot of manual power it is also an urgent problem that the household wants to solve it because, the accuracy and real time of meter data copy affects the power system information level, management decisions and economic benefits. We overload electrical circuits it could cause a fire and load demand. The home appliances, which consume more power, cause an increase in the payment of excessive bills. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technologies in Electrical Utilities (EUs) have been exploiting their own infrastructure to bill their customers in an efficient and economical way. This project is having the facility of getting the meter reading and overload indication at any time by the customer mobile and EB office. We are using the PIC microcontroller for the efficient energy meter monitoring system. This system is connected with the energy meter with load. The IR receiver is used to count the reading of the energy meter. The value of the IR receiver will be given to the microcontroller. The EB bill and overload occurred message would be send to consumer mobile number and EB office mobile number by using GSM modem. The status will be displayed in LCD, which is interfaced with the microcontroller.

Key Words:

Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Electrical Utilities (EUs),PIC microcontroller, GSM modem


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