IJREE – Volume 5 Issue 4 Paper 2


Author’s Name :  D B Krishna Kanth Reddy

Volume 05 Issue 04  Year 2018  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 5 – 8



This paper describes the load flow problem which is followed by the economic dispatch problem and the power flow model of Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC). A program is developed in MATLAB for the power flow studies of an IEEE 9-bus, IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 30-bus test systems without and with TCSC. Additionally the optimal power flow problem using Newton’s method and MABC algorithm has been solved for IEEE 9-bus, IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 30-bus test systems without TCSC and with TCSC using MABC algorithm. Additionally the location marginal price difference is calculated for finding the optimal location of TCSC in deregulated electricity market to reduce congestion in transmission lines.


Deregulated Power System, Double Auction Bidding, Social Welfare, Pool Market, TCSC, UPFC


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