IJREE- Vol 6 Issue 1 Paper 3


Author’s Name : Manjula. M.G

Volume 06 Issue 01  Year 2019  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 10-15


Abstract: The target of an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) calculation is to discover relentless state activity point which limits age cost, misfortune and so forth or augments social welfare, load ability and so on. while keeping up a satisfactory framework execution as far as cutoff points on generators’ genuine and receptive forces, line stream limits, yield of different remunerating gadgets and so on. Customarily, old style improvement strategies were utilized to adequately explain OPF. Be that as it may, all the more as of late because of fuse of FACTS gadgets and deregulation of a power part, the customary ideas and practices of intensity frameworks are superimposed by a monetary market the executives. So OPF have turned out to be mind boggling. As of late, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have been risen which can take care of profoundly complex OPF issues. The reason for this paper is to display a thorough study of different streamlining techniques used to take care of OPF issues.

Key Words: OPF (Optimal Power Flow), FACTS (Flexible transmission systems), AI(Artificial Intelligence), PSO (Particle swarm optimization)


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