IJREE- Vol 6 Issue 1 Paper 4


Author’s Name :  Malarvizhi.P | Padmavathy.R | Bharathidasan.S

Volume 06 Issue 01  Year 2019  ISSN No: 2349-2503  Page no: 16-19



The essential purpose of our undertaking is to control the classroom appliances like fan light and projector structure anyplace on the planet. Her we used NODEMCU for control in the framework. For correspondence reason blynk android application is utilized as transmitter and NODEMCU wi-fi module as beneficiary. This will made the casing work progressively capable for banner and information passing. Our assignment proposes a brilliant, effective, easy to understand monetary for controlling the electrical appliances in the classroom. The upsides of our endeavour are time the executives, shrewd, easy to understand.

Key Words:



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