IJRME – Volume 2 Issue 1 Paper 6


Author’s Name :  Sunil Kumar Singh | Jitendra Raghuwanshi | Rana Manoj Mourya

Volume 02 Issue 01  Year 2015  ISSN No:  2349-3860  Page no: 17-20



Fossil fuel is the major source for the production of energy used today. Due to the continuous rise in the cost of fossil fuel and demand of pollution free environment and clean energy has also been increasing Alternative fuel has become very noticeable and has a relevant role to play for both CI & SI engines, so it is important to reduce down dependency of gasoline as a fuel. Many research and investigation have been done focusing on using alternative fuel and minimizing the effect on fuel consumption and increasing engine performance. The aim of this review is to analyze the engine performance parameter and future hope of introducing blend of petrol-methanol, petrol with all other alcohol derivatives in varying ratios in SI engine and analyze brake torque, brake power, equivalence air fuel ratio, indicated and brake thermal efficiencies, fuel consumption, volumetric and mechanical efficiency.


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