IJRME – Volume 3 Issue 2 Paper 1


Author’s Name :  Sharon B George | Rahul A.R | Vishnu V.S | Keerthivel Rajesh

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-3860  Page no: 1-3






Emissions released from the vehicles mixes with atmospheric air causing air to be polluted leading to global warming and other health hazards. The pollution mainly occurs due to contribution of (CO), UBHC, (No) and Lead to the atmospheric air as vehicle emissions leading to more hazardous effect living beings as they inhale poisonous gases. Rather than emission that has been given out from any vehicle there are several other causes as emissions from electric power generating stations domestic fuel consumption other industrial process that occurs. A method of controlling the emissions using three different diameter tubes that are being drilled wit holes of varying diameters arranged sequentially and distilled water is used here and termed as Aqua exhaust system. This system mainly deals with the reduction in the release of harmful gases to the atmosphere .The noise level can be decreased when the gases are made to pass through water. Here the exhaust gases are given directly to the aqua silencer removing the catalytic converter placed as single unit.


Three tubes drilled with different diameter, Distilled water, Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen oxide, Hydrocarbons, Air pollution.


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