IJRME – Volume 4 Issue 3 Paper 4


Author’s Name :  Tejaskumar N Shrof | Mahendra Y Patil

Volume 04 Issue 03  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-3860  Page no: 11-15



The usage of nonconventional machining performs is growing for product manufacturing mostly when machining challenging to scratch material plus when extraordinary accuracy essential. There is plenty of examination piloted on refining sustainability of conventional machining. Though sustainability readings on nonconventional machining (EDM) observes are rare. Here research is carried out the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of dielectric fluid used in EDM for sustainable manufacturing. LCA is a versatile tool for quantifying the overall environmental impacts from a product, process, or service. The primary goal is to choose the best product, process, or service with the least effect on human health and the environment. In this research the focus is toward assess the total ecological effect of dielectric used in EDM. For the research work two dielectric used Kerosene and Synthetic oil and whole LCA studies carried out in GABI software. GABI is use for Life Cycle Analysis to assess life cycle environmental effect, rate, and social heath ware, procedures and technologies. It also compromises records with world-wide coverage as well as Eco invent data. This LCA studies carried out on standard ISO 14040 and the overall environmental impact of different dielectric is measure with experiment and validate through software.


Unconventional Machining, EDM, Life Cycle Analysis, Sustainable Manufacturing,CO2PE! Methodology, Kerosene, EDM oil


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