IJRME – Volume 5 Issue 4 Paper 1


Author’s Name :  Abhishek Gupta | Ranu Rajoria

Volume 05 Issue 04  Year 2018  ISSN No:  2349-3860  Page no: 1- 4



The heat exchanger are devices that facilitate the exchanger of hear between two fluids that are at different temperature. Generally heat transfer fluid are used is water, but now a days to improve the efficiency of heat exchanger the heat transfer fluid is converted into nanofluid which is having base fluid water. Nano fluid contain nano sized particle (1-100nm). Nano fluid are the fluid which are using for the transfer of heat to improve the performance of heat exchanger. Such type of fluid recently introduces which are superior to convention fluid. In this paper the behavior of cu- water nano fluid and its effect on the performance of single pass counter flow shell and tube type heat exchanger has been observed analytically and also the comparison is made between the cu-water Nano fluid and conventional base fluid that is water. We have done the analytical analysis for the performance of heat exchanger at different percentage of copper nanoparticle and we get the overall heat transfer coefficient is increases with increase in particle of copper in nanofluid. It also increase the performance of heat exchanger and effectiveness.


Nanoparticle, Heat Exchanger, Effectiveness, Cu-Water, Graphite Water


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