IJRE – Volume 3 Issue 3 Paper 2


Author’s Name :  T.S.Anjusha | J. Jane Crispino | M. Varatharaj

Volume 03 Issue 01  Year 2016  ISSN No:  2349-252X  Page no: 6-10






Roads are the dominant means of transportation in India .Pathetic road conditions of India arise mainly due to the natural events such as tropical rains and flooding that may lead to insecure driving. This paper proposes a new inexpensive system to avoid accidents on road due to humps and potholes. In this system ultrasonic sensors are used to detect and notify the height of humps and depth of potholes respectively. By using PIC16F877 microcontroller it gathers all the measured information about humps and potholes which are then displayed in 7 segment LCD display. The proposed system captures the geographical location of humps and potholes using Geographical Positioning System (GPS). This captured information is then send to the concerned authorities using Global Standard for Mobile communication (GSM) and the concerned authority will take necessary actions for the betterment of the roads. Furthermore this proposed system detects the leakage of gases in the vehicles using gas sensors and delivers the instructions to drivers to avert accidents.


PIC16F877, GPS, GSM SIM900, LCD display, MQ4 Gas sensors, Ultrasonic sensors


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