IJMH – Volume 4 Issue 1 Paper 5


Author’s Name : Dr Shalini Sood

Volume 04 Issue 01  Year 2017  ISSN No:  2349-7289  Page no: 23-24



Interest in spirituality and aging has increased recently, owing to overwhelming evidence of positive health outcomes linked to spirituality and religious participation. Increasing longevity in modern society puts spiritual needs of older adults at the forefront of societal priorities. Understanding individual spiritual perspectives becomes increasingly important, the issues of loss, physical illness and mortality that are confronted in old age. There are multiple barriers to the proper assessment of spirituality in clinical practice and research. Integrating an individual’s spiritual practice into their healthcare can help shape personalized medical care for older adults and improve health outcomes overcoming these barriers via improved training for healthcare professionals can improve healthcare and outcomes in older adults. Improvement of research tools and assessment methods, as well as the development of spiritual interventions, can offer more choices of healthcare to the individuals and their families that are consistent with their belief systems. An improved understanding and respect for individual spiritual practices can help shape personalized medical care for older adults, and improve health outcomes.


Spiritualism, Ageing, Old Age, Assortment, Spirituality, Health Aspects, Future Spiritual Interventions


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